Our Approach:
It isn’t always easy to decide to come to therapy. It’s a big step to recovery/healing and we honor your decision to do so. We will work together to meet your goals at a pace that feels comfortable to you. Sometimes, it is difficult to obtain a validating space and we want to be that space for you. The space where you can feel that someone understands and someone cares.
Our Process:
From your first visit, it is our goal to build a trusting alliance with you. This will allow you the opportunity to get a good understanding of how we will work together in the future. Together, we will talk through concerns, triggers and things that have been a hindrance in your life. During this time, we will work together to develop goals that are obtainable and realistic for YOU.
Individual Therapy: Individual therapy is where you would sit one on one with a therapist to explore and discuss any issues that may be occurring in your life. This would be a time that is strictly devoted to you.
Family Therapy: Family therapy is one that would involve the immediate family to explore and work through any issues that are pressing. The therapist would facilitate this in a manner in which it is individualized for each family member and would make sure that each party has an opportunity to speak when needed.
Couple’s Therapy: Couple’s therapy is for two individuals to work through any issues and identify goals to make their bond stronger. This could be an opportunity where solutions are thought of and worked on and interventions used to bring people closer.
Friendship Therapy: Friendships are important relationships to invest in. Friendships are relationships that help us grow and that we can pour into as well. Friendship counseling is counseling with a licensed therapist to help friends navigate their relationship is a healthy way. This can include a wide range of interventions to help with creating and maintaining boundaries as well as learning communication skills.
Group Therapy: Group therapy is for individuals to come together who have experienced similar life experiences. This is a time where people come together to support one another as well as have a true opportunity to share their story to a group that is truly judgment free.
Life Coaching: Life Coaching is a service that is built on a one on one connection. It is a time where you will receive help in identifying your goals and develop an actionable plan to achieve them. A life coach is someone professionally trained to help you maximize your full potential and reach your desired results in your life.
Confidence Coaching: Confidence coaching is a service that is built on a one on one connection that helps the individual to schedule a particular goal in their life. Sometimes, our lack of confidence is the only thing that is keeping us from achieving what we desire to in our lives. With confidence coaching, one is able to see their true potential and act in their true purpose.
Business Consulting: Want to start a business? Want to grow your business? Want to show people your purpose in the world? Business coaching is for you! This is a coaching that will help you achieve goals to make sure that you are hitting your goals with the business you either want to start or the business that you already are invested in.
Trauma Consulting: A licensed therapist will come to your establishment to speak about trauma and provide tools for staff to work with the population at hand. Trauma Consulting is a great tool for any business attempting to have a culture that is respectful and knowledgeable about trauma.
Sober Living: Sober living is offered to those who need a place to go for detoxification services and treatment to help with navigating and learning a new way of life. We house 6 people at this time in our Kansas City location. Services offered are individual therapy, group therapy, life skills groups, job placement and so much more. Head to the Anew Mentality Wellness tab for more information.